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Brazilian Butt Lift | Buttock Enhancement – Cosmetic Surgery In Midtown

A Brazilian butt lift surgery is a recognized cosmetic surgery that involves the transfer of fat in specific areas where it’s not wanted to the buttocks. This is intended to give you a fuller backside.

The Brazilian butt lift procedures involve the grafting of fats, which tends to produce a natural appearance after. The lifting procedure may involve the steps below:

The Brazilian butt lift procedures are usually carried out under anesthesia. Except in cases where there a little amount of fat is moved; the local anesthesia (a numbing medication) comes to play. For some people, the numbing medication may cause them to feel sick. In such a case, you may request for an anti-nausea.

Afterward, your cosmetic surgeon will employ the use of liposuction to extract fat from unwanted areas. These areas may include thighs, stomach, or hips, as the case may be. The liposuction process involves the implementation of narrow tubes to eliminate fat from your body after making incisions in your skin.

The eliminated fat from your body will then be purified and prepared to be injected into a specific portion of your butt; what is referred to as fat grafting.

The injection process is then completed when your cosmetic surgeon injects the purified fat into your butt to give it a naturally fuller look. About three to five incisions are made in your butt for the transferring of fat.

The liposuction process is done, and fat transfer is sealed up by stitching. A compression garment is usually placed against the affected portions of your skin to reduce the possibility of bleeding.

What is brazilian butt lift?

This procedure is performed by transferring fat from specific areas where it’s not wanted to the buttocks that will, in turn, enlarge its shape and size. This does not involve a butt implant. The butt lift surgery is intended to eliminate excess fat from the lower back, abdomen, thighs, or hips by way of liposuction. The extracted fat is then injected into the buttocks.

How can one prepare for a brazilian butt lift surgery?

To prepare for a Brazilian butt lift surgery, you may need to;

  •       Go for a blood test
  •       Undergo some medications or probably adjust your present medication
  •       Quit smoking
  •       Stop the intake of aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medicines as they could increase the risk of bleeding.

Brazilian butt lift procedures are to be performed in approved office-based hospitals, surgical facilities, or ambulatory surgical centers. You can get all these at Premiere Surgical Arts. Here, qualified doctors in the field perform our cosmetic surgery procedures.

Is brazilian butt lift worth it?

For a Brazilian butt lift surgery to be worth it, it must be performed correctly by a qualified cosmetic surgeon. The cosmetic surgeon will ensure that the results are permanent with no after effect. The instructions given by a skilled cosmetic surgeon will bring about a long-lasting result if you follow them carefully.

A Brazilian butt lift surgery cost ranges between $4,000 and $5,000. This price is for a single treatment session, and other necessary expenses are not there.

Are there uses for the human fats after a liposuction?

Usually, the excess fats extracted from the body after a liposuction process has been carried out are disposed of. In some other cases, they are purified and used for other restoration or augmentation reasons. The stem cells in adult fat are cryopreserved to treat certain illnesses.

Plastic surgery for bigger buttocks

A performed Brazilian butt lift aims at improving the tone and shape of the underlying tissues that assist fat and skin in the area of the butt.

Some factors that contribute to the drooping of the butt are damaged caused by the sun, aging, significant fluctuations, genetic factors, and pregnancy. These factors affect the elasticity of the tissue, thereby causing the butt to droop.

To obtain a smoother and good looking contour, there is a need to eliminate excess drooping skin and fat.

Taking fat from stomach to buttocks

The cosmetic procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fat in unwanted areas of the body. Such areas include the thighs, abdomen, or stomach. The fat removed are placed into the butt. The process involves the incorporation of liposuction and butt-lifting procedures. Today, this cosmetic surgery is one of the most rapidly growing plastic surgery procedures. When performed by a professional cosmetic surgeon, butt lift surgery will not only increase the size of your buttocks. The surgical process also improves the shape and contour of your whole torso, thighs, waist, and abdomen.

The concept of beauty these days is changing. What it was twenty years ago is not what it is now. At that time, it was impossible to improve your beauty as much as you may want to. Before now, to become skinny involves so many practices that may end up not yielding the desired results. Today, it is all a different story. You can become whatever you want as regards your appearance, but only if you can get the right hands on it.

Dentist in Houston near me

If you’re one who is wondering where you can find the best cosmetic surgery here in midtown, then you’ve come to the right place.

Midtown’s topmost surgical center – Premiere Surgical Arts is the place where all surgical procedures are carried out, correctly, and efficiently. With our state-of-the-art technology, we successfully carry out Brazilian butt lift procedures on all our patients. We also offer efficient surgical services in a comfortable and luxurious environment so you can receive the best surgical treatment from our knowledgeable and dedicated cosmetic surgeons. You also can be one of the smart ones who chose Premiere Surgical Arts as their most preferred cosmetic surgery center.

At Premiere Surgical Arts, we are renowned for our quality services and immediate results.

You can always find us wherever you are and get your appointment registered online. Visit for more information.

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