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What are Fat Reduction Procedures with Non-Invasive Methods?

Fat reduction treatments have evolved with non-surgical fat reduction methods now taking center stage at most cosmetic surgery clinics across the United States. Premiere Surgical Arts was voted one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Houston, Texas.


We offer innovative, non-invasive cosmetic surgery techniques that help our patients achieve their fat removal and body contouring needs.


With our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved non-invasive fat reduction procedures, patients who find it difficult to get rid of excess fat from different parts of their body despite intense dieting and workout routines can now rest easy knowing that they will receive safe, quick, and quality cosmetic surgery services from us.


The unique thing about non-invasive fat removal is that you do not have to worry about being cut open and stitched, as is the case with a more traditional surgical procedure for fat removal. 


We will help dissolve fat in and around your upper arms, back, neck, chin, love handles (flanks), belly, knees, and thighs without making any incisions to your skin.  


Our experienced cosmetic surgeons use various methods to remove fat deposits from specific body parts, including sound waves, heat, or cold. 



Most people don’t know that everyone is born into this world with a certain quantity of fat cells, which do not naturally increase or decrease in number. 


When you gain excess weight, the fat cells you are born with expand in size. Likewise, when you lose weight, the same fat cells simply shrink in size. 


By choosing any of our non-invasive fat reduction cosmetic procedures, we help to remove fat by targeting specific fat cells in your body for destruction. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are gone for good. 


But note that not all fat cells in targeted body parts are destroyed. So, if you gain weight at some point after a cosmetic procedure, those untouched fat cells in the treatment area of your body expand in size.  


As mentioned already, there are different ways that a cosmetic surgeon can reduce fat in your body. 


But here are a few classic non-invasive fat removal procedures for fat removal to consider:

#1. Cryolipolysis

With Cryolipolysis, a handheld device that emits cold is used to freeze fat away and destroy the targeted fat cells. This non-invasive cosmetic surgery is usually concluded in just two treatment sessions. 

#2. Ultrasound 

At Premiere Surgical Arts, we use ultrasound technology to dissolve excess fat in troubled spots in your body like your belly, love handles, thighs, neck, and upper arms. 


We call this non-invasive fat reduction cosmetic procedure “Vaser Liposuction.” Depending on the complication of the treatment, you may require between one and three scheduled treatments to resolve your issue. 

#3. Radiofrequency

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive fat removal cosmetic procedure that uses heat to destroy fat cells. We offer our patients a “SmartLipo” procedure where we utilize the heat from bursts of laser energy to dissolve fat cell deposits that are suctioned out of your body. 


SmartLipo comes highly recommended for stomach fat removal, and treatment may take anywhere from four to ten visits, depending on the complexities of treatment.

#4. Injection

Another non-invasive fat reduction procedure that is common today involves the use of a bile-like acid that is injected directly into the troubled fat cell to dissolve it gradually. Injection is typically recommended for fat removal in the chin area for patients with double chin issues. 

FAQ About Fat Reduction Procedures

Where does the fat go?

Your body excretes the dissolved fat through sweat, urine, or fecal matter. 

What is the best fat removal procedure? 

Non-invasive fat removal procedures are highly recommended because they are safe and quick with minimal downtime.  

How is fat different from cellulite?

Yes. Fat is different from cellulite, as the latter is a dimpling or rippling of the skin that arises due to the lack of fat elasticity. Cellulite is expected around the thighs and buttocks. 

H3: How much does it cost to remove fat from your body? 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of non-invasive fat removal in the U.S. is $1,226. 


However, you are advised to consult your cosmetic surgeon, as each case is unique and presents unique cost elements. 

Does fat-freezing work? 

Yes. Fat freezing works perfectly. However, you should seek only experienced and competent cosmetic surgeons. 

Does liposuction fat come back?

Fat removal is permanent. However, the remaining fat cells in your body can expand over time, resulting in weight gain and a need to undergo a non-invasive fat reduction procedure once more. 


At Premiere Surgical Arts, we pride ourselves in offering some of the most advanced fat removal procedures. 


We offer traditional liposuction surgery and more modern, non-invasive fat removal procedures like SmartLipo and Vaser Liposuction, where we will help you remove fat through heat (laser energy) and ultrasound, respectively. 


You can start your journey to removing excess fat today via a non-invasive procedure by booking a consultation with us today. 

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