What is Latisse?
of Latisse
Increases the volume and thickness of upper eyelashes
A non-invasive, simple way to enhance your natural lashes in the comfort of your own home
You can continue to wear and apply mascara while using Latisse®

Latisse® is very safe, however, people with certain eye conditions or those allergic to the active ingredient bimatoprost should avoid the product. At your consultation, Dr. Jung will determine if Latisse® is right for you.
You’ll receive a prescription for Latisse® and apply it each night with a special applicator to the base of your upper eyelids. Dr. Jung will give you instructions for application and you’ll want to use it carefully and blot away any excess solution so it only comes into contact with the treatment area. Don’t use it on your lower eyelid line. You can expect to see results within eight weeks with full results apparent in 16 weeks.
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