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Focus Less on Fat Transfer To Buttocks Surgery Cost and More on the BBL Procedure

So you have decided to undertake a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, but you are concerned about the overall cost of the buttock lift cosmetic surgery.

Have no fear, as we are committed to helping all our prospective patients amicably sort out this critical aspect of the entire process.

At Premiere Surgical Arts, we only want you to focus on the surgical procedure including the pre-op process and all you need to do in order to recover quickly and return to your regular life after the surgical procedure.

What To Expect From Fat Transfer To Buttocks Surgery Cost

There are several cost elements that typically make up the overall fat transfer to buttocks cost. It is important for you to first understand these cost elements before even asking about what your respective buttock augmentation would ultimately cost you.

These cost elements may differ from patient to patient, but regardless of the nature of your choice buttocks enhancement, you should expect the following cost elements:

#1. Surgeon’s fees:

This is the fee for the professional service of our designated surgeon.

#2. Surgical facility costs:

This is the cost you incur for undergoing a BBL cosmetic surgical procedure in our facility.

#3. Anesthesia fees:

This is the fee charged for the recommended anesthesia for your surgical procedure. This could be general anesthesia fees for example.

#4. Prescriptions for pre-op and post-op medication:

You will incur the cost of any pre-op and post-op prescription medication to aid your preparedness for the surgical procedure and recovery respectively.

#5. Post-surgery garments:

After the BBL operation, you will be given special post-op garments, you will have to bear this cost as well.

In addition to garments, we may recommend specialized pillows that can aid your recovery and you will also have to cater for the cost of these pillows.

#6. Medical tests:

The cost of all recommended medical tests would have to be paid for and make up part of the total cost of any BBL procedure at our facility.

What Is The Price Range For Brazilian Buttlift?

We often get asked by prospective patients how much does a Brazilian Butt lift cost, but the answer to this question is not as straightforward as you may imagine.

Fat transfer cost can vary from one patient to another for a number of salient reasons.

As a matter of fact, we treat every patient as a unique case, and in our experience, every surgical appointment is often peculiar to the patient concerned.

However, the cost elements highlighted earlier remain, and more may be added as the case may be.

Typically, the summation of all cost elements will make up our overall cost, but the valuation of each cost element may also differ from patient to patient depending on the complexities of each procedure.

You will have to discuss with our surgeons to get a clearer idea of what your Brazilian Butt Lift surgery will cost.

FAQs About Fat Transfer To Buttocks Surgery Cost

How long does fat transfer surgery take?

BBL is a more natural cosmetic surgical procedure in comparison to butt implants and may take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours to complete under general anesthesia, as it does not require the insertion of synthetics like silicone implants.

How much volume can I get from a fat transfer?

During your BBL operation, an average of between 2 and 4 pounds of donor fat can be extracted via liposuction and then transferred to your hips and buttocks. However, the exact amount of extracted donor fat would depend on several physical parameters including your height and weight.

I’ve had liposuction before. Will that affect my ability to undergo fat transfer?

You will be eligible for fat transfer despite having liposuction in the past. This is provided you have sufficient donor fat in your abdomen, thigh, lower back or hips.

Can the injected fat migrate to other parts of the body?

No. The injected fat will not migrate to other parts of your body. It will remain in the part of your body where it has been injected into. As long as there is blood supply, the transferred fat will remain stable.

For The Most Affordable Liposuction From Stomach To Buttocks Cost Visit Premiere Surgical Arts

The beauty of having a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure at Premiere Surgical Arts is that we offer really affordable fat grafting options.

Our American Society of Plastic Surgeons certified surgeons will properly assess your peculiar case and determine the best place to extract donor fat.

The most popular fat grafting involves liposuction from the stomach and transferred to the buttock and hips. The popularity of the BBL surgical option is mainly due to the comparative ease of the operation, the minimal risks and complications of the procedure, and its relative affordability.

In truth, butt augmentation cost varies from one patient to another depending on a number of factors including the complexities of the procedure.

However, a straightforward abdominal liposuction and butt transfer is now more or less a routine surgical procedure and therefore more affordable.

If you to begin your fat grafting journey, you can book a consultation appointment online  and meet with an experienced cosmetic surgeon today and discuss the BBL procedure, cost, and flexible payment options that would meet your expectations.

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