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What Exactly Is Skinny BBL?

Skinny BBL is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is done to provide a subtle modification to the buttocks. Most people that want this type of procedure are usually slender built, physically active and fit individuals with hip dips, flat buttocks or no natural curvature between their waistline and buttocks. Skinny BBL will help to fill out your hip dips, shape and round out your buttocks and provide a natural looking transition and curvature between your waistline and butt. The procedure usually involves your surgeon extracting fat from other parts of your body like your abdomen, thighs or waist through liposuction and then injecting the extracted fat into those sections of your lower extremities mainly your hips and butt to enhance their volume, curvature and overall shape.


Skinny BBL surgery is not for everyone, but if you tick all the boxes below, then you are the perfect candidate for this cosmetic surgical procedure.

  • A healthy female: You have to be a relatively healthy female to qualify for this procedure.
  • 21 years and over: Surgeons prefer operating on young adults aged 21 years and above.
  • Below the age of 50: Surgeons are wary of performing this type of surgery on individuals over the age of 50 years. The risk of complications during the surgery is greater with older individuals.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 (or less): Your BMI should be 25 or less to be eligible for a Skinny BBL.
  • A non-smoker: You have to be a non-smoker to be an ideal candidate for this cosmetic surgery. 
  • A flat buttocks: Having a flat buttocks is one reason why you could qualify as a perfect candidate for a Skinny BBL surgical procedure. 
  • Hip dips: If you have noticeable hip dips, you could also be eligible for this procedure.
  • No transition between your waistline and buttocks: If you do not have a natural curvature between your waistline and buttocks, you are an ideal candidate for Skinny BBL, provided you meet the other conditions highlighted.


Typically, the amount of extracted fat required for a successful Skinny BBL surgery would be dependent on several factors including:

  • Your weight,
  • Your height,
  • Body fat percentage
  • Anatomic variations, and 
  • Cosmetic goals.

However, it must be mentioned that a fat volume in excess of one liter per buttock can be considered as a high volume Brazilian butt lift. So for a Skinny BBL, the usual required fat volume will be between 500cc and 800cc. The cosmetic health of a Skinny BBL cosmetic surgery is to improve the shape and contour of the hips and buttocks rather than significantly increase the size of your buttocks and/or over-accentuate your natural curvature.


After the surgical procedure, there are certain things you should and should not do. The speed of your Skinny BBL recovery will be dependent on your discipline, as much as it is dependent on your body’s ability to heal quickly. Bruising and swelling with pain is normally expected after the surgery and you would need to avoid exerting pressure on the site of the surgery for several weeks for effective recovery. You should avoid having to sit down on any hard surface and you should limit the amount of time you spend sitting to about 45 minutes. You should take a walk every hour and sleep on your side or abdomen when you go to bed. In about 2 to 3 weeks after your surgery, you can resume with your regular cardiovascular activities. However, the average full Skinny BBL recovery time for most patients is anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks.


Skinny BBL cost may vary from one cosmetic surgery clinic to another, but the cost elements still remain the same. The Skinny BBL cost Houston consists of the following pricing elements:

  • The surgeons fees: The value of surgeons fees will depend on the expertise and experience of the surgeon.
  • The type of liposuction involved: Liposuction is the procedure used in extracting fat from other parts of your body. The cost of this procedure will depend on the type of liposuction that your surgeon undertakes.
  • Length of surgical procedure: The more complex the cosmetic surgery is, the longer it would take to complete and the more it would ultimately cost.
  • The surgical sites: The more work needs to be done in rounding out your buttocks, filling out hip dips and providing a curvature in the transition between your waistline and buttocks, the costlier your Skinny BBL cosmetic procedure would be.
  • Location: Your location can also influence the cost of a Skinny BBL surgery. If you have to travel far to have your surgery, you can expect to incur more expenses.
  • Anesthesia and other costs: The cost of anesthesia, the operating room and even after surgery medication all add to the overall cost of the cosmetic surgery.


Most patients that provide their Skinny BBL reviews, feedback and even Skinny BBL before and after photos attest to the fact that the cosmetic surgical procedure offers life-changing improvements to their waistline, hips, and buttocks. In most before and after Skinny BBL reviews and photos, it is clear to see enhancements in the shape and curvature of patients buttocks. 

FAQ’s About Skinny BBL

What is a Skinny BBL?

Skinny BBL is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to modify the curvature and shape of patients with flat buttocks, hip dips or a lack of transition between their waistline and buttocks.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for a Skinny BBL?

Healthy 21 year old and over (but less than 50 years) non-smoker females with flat buttocks, hip dips or proper transition between their waistline and buttocks are perfect candidates for Skinny BBL.

How Is a Skinny BBL Performed?

Your surgeon extracts fat via liposuction from other parts of your body like your thighs or abdomen and then injects the fat to fill out your hip dips and/or flat buttocks.

How Much Fat Is Needed For A Skinny BBL?

Between 500cc and 800cc of fat is usually required for a Skinny BBL.

What Is The Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Like?

Full recovery can be expected in 1 to 2 months after the surgery.

What Are the Benefits of a Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift?

Skinny BBL builds self-confidence knowing that you no longer have a flat butt, hip dips or no transition between your waistline and butt. 

How Much Does a Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

The cost of Skinny Brazilian butt lift is dependent on many factors including surgeon and anesthesia fees, location, and the length of the surgical procedure among st other cost elements.

Get The Best Skinny BBL Surgeons At Premiere Surgical Arts 

At Premiere Surgical Arts, you can get the best Skinny BBL surgeons to help you achieve your cosmetic surgery goals. Skinny BBL Texas offers one of the most competitive pricing in the U.S. You can check out Skinny BBl pictures from some of our patients online even as you request an appointment with our top surgeons to discuss the nature, length and possible success of your Skinny BBL surgery today.

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