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Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Painful

Having your wisdom tooth removed can be the difference between a good night rest and continuous headaches due to pain. If you need help with getting your wisdom tooth extracted, we have all the knowledge in this article.

Well, contrary to the hundreds of livid stories you have heard about over the internet, we will try to put your mind at ease and give you a calming article to soothe your pain, but we will also be honest too. Let’s get started then.

Is wisdom tooth removal painful?

Well, it is not supposed to be with the proper facility, dentist and anesthesia. The wisdom tooth should hurt you to want it removed but don’t transfer the pain you feel to the dentist’s chair.

Wisdom Removal Overview

A lot of people come into the dentist office for a wisdom tooth extraction every year, some are the simple case while others are well a bit finicky, but a simple surgery is all you need to feel like new. The wisdom tooth is a procedure that aims to remove one or more of the four permanent teeth that are seated at the back part of our mouth. The reason why wisdom tooth extraction is necessary is due to impaction, an infection, and disruption of the teeth in the mouth.

If you are a regular at visiting the doctor’s office, you will not have problems with your wisdom tooth as your dentist should have recognized a problem during your check-ups. If you suffer from any pain due to a wisdom tooth, this is the way to go about it.

Ask the right questions before surgery and ensure that your dentist or surgeon is certified and qualified, to avoid falling into wrong hands and quack physicians, Premiere Surgical Arts Facility Huston has qualified dentist that will answer all your questions and be open with all the option available before the procedure.

Furthermore, every surgery has its risks and complication; the need for a good facility ensures the following risk are avoided namely,

  • To avoid dry socket or exposing the bone
  • Infection of the socket or to adjacent tooth/teeth in the mouth
  • A correct closure of the flesh to avoid food particles from been trapped in the socket

The Procedure for a Wisdom tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth extractions are of two types:

The First Type

The simple Wisdom Tooth Removal: this is a procedure for a wisdom tooth that has broken through the gum line but is causing serious pains to the patients for one or two reasons.

When the dentist certifies that it needs to be removed, he/she gives you a sedative so that you are oblivious of the process. When you are numb, the dentist used a forceps to grasp the said wisdom tooth and with a little jiggle back and forth loosens the tooth from the root and pulls it off the jaw.

The Second Type

This is a bit hurtful and difficult than the simple tooth extraction. This is known as the Impacted Wisdom Tooth Procedure.

It is called impacted because the wisdom tooth has fully formed but has not erupted causing swollen gum and general discomfort to you.

The Procedure

  • The patient will come into the dentist office; you are given general anesthesia where you are completely numb during the procedure. The dentist also gives localized anesthesia at the site where the wisdom tooth will be removed.
  • The dentist now cuts away the upper flesh or removes the bone covering the impacted wisdom teeth to reveal the embedded tooth.
  • The tooth is then extracted to relief the pain you feel, but that is not all. The flesh around the area id stitched off. This allows blood clot in the pocket facilitating quick healing and covers the underlying bone; it also prevents infection that can be dangerous only if you don’t follow the instructions of the orthodontist.

What to expect after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

After the procedure, you are bound to feel some pain as the effect anesthesia wears off. Other noticeable reactions are

  • A swollen gum, cheeks, and jawline in the position that the tooth was extracted from is the first sign. This swelling will last for a couple of days after the surgery but with antibiotics and painkillers will subside. Applying a cold cloth against the side of the face will also help with the pain and swelling.
  • The skin on the side face will be tender and remain so for a couple of days or weeks
  • You will find it difficult to open your mouth due to stiffness in the jawline
  • Numbness and unusual sensation in your mouth
  • An unusual taste in your mouth due to the reaction of the local anesthesia given on the gum

Post Operative Care

  • Leave the gauze pad in your mouth biting hard to stop you front constantly spitting out blood. Do remember to change the pad when it’s soaked and if the bleeding is not seizing, call or visit your dentist immediately.
  • Lie with your head propped up instead of lying flat on your back
  • Use ice packs or a cold press on your cheek side to reduce the swelling
  • Rest, rest and rest some more. No physical activity should be done 24 to 48 hours after your surgery
  • Try to avoid foods that involve chewing
  • Rinse the mouth with warm water every time you want to change the gauze.
  • Stay away from smoking, alcohol as these can introduce germs to the mouth giving room for infection.
  • Keep up with your oral hygiene without fail.

The recovery time for a wisdom tooth extraction is a couple of days to weeks depending on the ability to withstand pain by the patient. You should be able to return to your normal daily activities fully in a matter of weeks and also able to eat semi-solid foods. It is also advisable to drink directly from a cup instead of using a straw to reduce the air motion going into the mouth from affecting the healing spot.

For more information or a certified doctor for your wisdom tooth extraction, visit today

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