What You Must Know About TX Wisdom Teeth Extraction

A dentist or oral surgeon can carry out TX wisdom teeth extraction. Usually, the process can take place in the office of your surgeon or dentist. However, you may need to have it done in a hospital if all your wisdom teeth will be extracted at once or your exposure to complications is high. If you are having any infection, the surgery may be postponed until the infection has been treated.

Before TX wisdom teeth extraction, your dentist will administer local anesthesia so that the area to be treated will be deadened. General anesthesia may be administered if many or all your wisdom teeth will be extracted at once. When a general anesthesic is administered on you, it will prevent pain and make you to sleep when the procedure is going on. You may be asked to stay away from food or drink after midnight preceding your surgery so as to get you set for the administration of the anesthetic.

TX wisdom teeth extraction involves the opening of your gum tissue. So that the bone protecting the tooth to be removed will be taken out. The tissue linking the bone to the tooth will be separated before the tooth will be removed. In some instances, your dentist may cut the tooth into bits so that extraction will be easier.

After TX wisdom teeth extraction, stitches may be required. It is very important for you to note that some stitches will diffuse after some time. While others require removal after some days. Your dentist will place a gauze pad. So that bleeding will be helped to stop.

What To Expect After Surgery

After your TX wisdom teeth extraction, stitches may be applied and you should expect a recovery period that will last for some days. You must ensure that you take your drugs, especially pain killers, as prescribed by your dentist. In order to speed up your recovery, you should make sure that you bite the gauze pad gently from time to time and change it when drenched in blood. If bleeding persists after 24 hours, you should not hesitate to contact your dentist.

Furthermore, you should avoid lying flat so that your bleeding will not be prolonged. You can support your head with a pillow. You should relax after your surgery. And avoid strenuous activities in order to prevent bleeding. You should take soft foods like pudding and gelatin while solid foods can be introduced as you get better. Also you should avoid the use of straw for some days so that your blood clot will not be loosened thereby delaying your healing.

You can flush your mouth with salt water that is warm many times a day so as to relieve you of pain and reduce swelling. You should avoid smoking after your surgery. Smoking can lead to loosening of the blood clot which can delay your healing. Smoking can also reduce blood flow to the treated area and invite contaminants as well as germs. Do not rub the treated area with your tongue or touch it with your fingers in order not to attract germs to the area.

Why It Is Done

Usually wisdom teeth are removed so as to fix a specific problem or prevent future occurrence of the problem. Some of these problems include inability of the wisdom teeth to break through the gums. Because the jaw may not provide enough room for them. They can also become impacted. In addition, they may partly break away through your gums. Which can lead to the growth of a fold of gum tissue over them. Food particles as well as germs may be trapped in this fold which can lead to painful, swollen and red gums, which are symptoms of infections.

How Well It Works

Wisdom teeth extraction is usually carried out in order to prevent the crowding of your back teeth. It is also used to prevent the wisdom tooth from becoming grounded in your jaw which is known as impaction. Tooth decay and gum disease will also be prevented. Because it may be harder to get them cleaned.


There are some risks associated with wisdom teeth extraction. You may feel some pain as well as swelling around your gums as well as the tooth socket where the extraction took place. Bleeding may also be experienced especially one that may linger for more than 24 hours. You may also have difficulty in opening your jaw and your gums may be slow to healing. There can be a damage to current dental works like bridges and crowns or nearby tooth roots. If the blood clot protecting the treatment area is lost, you may experience painful inflammation which is known as dry socket. There may feeling of numbness around your lips and mouth after the anesthetic must have worn off.

Some side effects are very rare including persisting numbness of the mouth and lips. Your jaw may also be fractured if your tooth is firmly fastened to your jawbone. Bacteria may be caused to enter your bloodstream through the mouth which can lead to infections. The use of anaesthetic comes with the risk of complications. As a result of this, it is very important for you to choose a competent dentist or oral surgeon so that your exposure to risk may be reduced.

What To Think About

It is easier to remove your wisdom teeth when you are young, probably in your late teens or early 20s. This is because the root of the wisdom tooth will not be fully developed which makes it easier to extract. If your tooth extraction is easier, you recovery will probably be much more easier. Majority of the problems with wisdom teeth are experienced between ages 15 and 25. If you have not removed your wisdom teeth and you are over 30, you are less exposed to problems associated with wisdom teeth.

Bottom Line

Going for TX wisdom teeth extraction at the right time will ensure that future problems associated with the condition are prevented. It is also important for you to consult with a proficient dentist or oral surgeon so that your expectations will be met.