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What Are Breast Implants?

Breasts implants are synthetic materials designed to mimic the natural contour and feel of real breasts. Breast implants is also a cosmetic surgical procedure in augmentation mammoplasty. Your surgeon may recommend the use of breast implants to improve the shape and size of your breasts. Typically, your surgeon will place the implants either under your chest muscles or breast tissue during surgery. Breast implants essentially help to enhance the appearance and boost the self-esteem of patients. 


You may need breast implants for the following reasons:

  • To increase breast size: The size of breast implants vary and your choice of cubic centimeters often depends on several factors. However, the most common reason why you may need breast implants is to increase the volume of your breasts. The most popular choice of implants range from 300cc to 350cc. But some women may prefer large implants ranging from 400cc and above. 
  • To reduce breast volume: Some women get small breast implants to reduce the size and volume of their natural breasts. This may become necessary after weight loss or pregnancy. Small implants can be anywhere from about 150cc up to 200cc. 
  • Replacing implants: Breast implant removal may become necessary after a stretch of time. Replacing a set of implants for another is not unusual, but essential to avoid the rupture of old implants or to further modify and improve your physical appearance.
  • To give balance to asymmetrical breasts: If you have asymmetric breasts, then breast implants can help to resolve the problem and ensure that your breasts are even shaped. 


There are different types of breast implants that are in use today. However, the most commonly recommended breast implant types include:

  • Saline breast implants: The outer layer of this breast implants is made of silicone and filled with a saline (saltwater) solution. Saline implants may come as prefilled breast implants or may be filled out during the surgical procedure. Saline breast implants may be textured or smooth and also come in a number of breast implant sizes.
  • Silicone breast implants: This type of breast implant contains pre-filled silicone gels which give the implants a realistic feel as the sticky, thick gels tend to mimic the fatty tissue found in human breasts.
  • Gummy bear breast implants: This is also a gel like implant with a teardrop shape. Gummy bear implants have the enviable reputation of maintaining both its shape and structure better than silicone or saline implants.

Other types of breast implants are round breast implants, smooth breast implants, textured breast implants and structured saline breast implants. 


Silicone breast implants are hugely popular in breast implant surgery for the following reasons:

  • Silicone breast implants are FDA approved for use in patients aged 22 and above.
  • Silicone breast implants have a realistic look when installed by a qualified surgeon.
  • Silicone breast implants offer a natural feel to the touch and feel like real-life beast tissue.
  • Silicone implants can improve your physical appearance by enhancing your breast size, volume, and shape. 
  • Silicone implants can last for up to 10 to 20 years.


From the moment breast implants are installed, the risk of rupture increases by one percent per annum. But even though older implants are more likely to lose their shape and are more likely to rupture leading to a number of complications, breast implants can still last for a very long time. On average, your implants should last for between 10 to 20 years provided they were fitted by qualified surgeons supported by regular checkups and proper use.


Breast Implant Illness Symptoms

After your breast implants surgery, you can expect a bit of swelling and soreness around your breast region. You may also experience scarring and bruising in that area as well. However, breast implant scars often fade away after some time, but the scar does not entirely disappear. Other breast implant illness symptoms may include mild fever, headaches, pain and itching. 

After surgery, you will be expected to heal at home as an outpatient. You will be required to put on a compression bandage or alternatively a sports bra to help support and properly position the breast implants. Typically, your recovery timeline can be anywhere from six to eight weeks without any complications. You will be expected to maintain good care during this time and make all scheduled followup visits to your surgeon. 

FAQ’s About Breast Implants

What Are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are synthetic materials mimicking real-life breast tissue used in augmentation mammoplasty to improve the shape, size, and volume of a patient’s breasts.

What Are The Different Types Of Breast Implants?

Saline Breast Implants: Holds a sterile saline solution in its silicone outer layer that can either be textured or smooth and comes in different sizes. 

Structured Saline Breast Implants: The inner layer consists of a natural feeling structure, but the outer layer still consists of sterile saline solution.

Silicone Breast Implants: Made from silicone gel material which gives a natural bounce, look and feel.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants: A gel like breast implant with a teardrop shape and one that is known to retain its shape over a long period of time.

Round Breast Implants: A spherical breast implant with a soft touch and feel.  

Smooth Breast Implants: This implant has a smooth, round feel and moves unhindered within the implant pocket when fitted.

Textured Breast Implants: The surface of a textured implant is rough and adheres to breast tissue keeping it firmly in the implant pocket place during surgery.

What Are The Benefits Of Breast Implants?

Breast implants help to improve your physical appearance with shapely and full breast to boost your self-confidence.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants can last for anywhere between 10 to 20 years after being  installed.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

The cost of breast implants is determined by several factors such as the cost of medical tests, anesthesia, surgeon fees, hospital fees, prescription, and so on.

Are breast implants safe?

Yes. Breast implants are widely considered to be a safe cosmetic surgical procedure. 

What Results Can I Expect From My Shaped Breast Implants?

You can expect symmetrical, fuller, and perkier breasts after breast implants by qualified surgeons.  

Breast Implants Near Me At Premiere Surgical Arts 

Before you are inundated with breast implant surgery cost, your surgeon will discuss the procedure with you in relation to your expected cosmetic goals. Safety is always the priority of your surgeon and their recommendations are always based on this fundamental principle.

For American Society of Plastic Surgeons certified surgeons qualified to give the best breast implant near me in Houston TX, visit Premiere Surgical Arts. You can also request an appointment online and schedule a meeting with our experienced surgeons today.

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