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Butt Lifts Are Way More Popular Than You Thought – Cosmetic Surgery in Upper Kirby

You must have heard about the BBL Doctors Near Me or the Brazilian butt lift on the news or somewhere. Maybe you think that it’s only a specific set of women who are undergoing this cosmetic procedure. Well, you are mistaken if you think like that.

Recent studies have shown that many women are undergoing a fat transfer from the stomach to buttocks or the Brazilian butt lift procedure every other day.

According to the ASPS {American Society of cosmetic surgeons}, there is a current available statistics of top-notch cosmetic procedure on Brazilian butt lift results which are dramatically increasing. Fat transfer surgery is currently the most popular cosmetic procedure performed.

No wonder the BBL Doctors Near Me are performing a lot of this cosmetic procedure at 30 minutes intervals in each day on the average, says the ASPS. The process of augmentation procedure with fat grafting requires a two-way procedure.

First, of all, the board-certified plastic surgeons will liposuction the required fat from the patient’s thighs, hips, or abdomen. Then the removing fat will be purified by cleaning and separating, after which it will be injected into the butt of the patient.

This cosmetic procedure may not take more than 1 hour if performed by the BBL Doctors Near Me. Moreover, the recovery time is excellent, and you can go away with a perky and prominent extra curve. The patients who have undergone the Brazilian bum lift are known to go back to their work to carry out their normal activities within 24 hours of the surgery.  However, they are likely to sustain swellings and feel sore for some time. That’s why; they are advised not to sit directly on their buttocks for one whole week after surgery.


How much fat is needed for Brazilian butt lift surgery?

The Brazilian butt lift procedure is a non-surgical process that the BBL Doctors Near Me will perform to enhance the butt of a patient. The amount of fat needed for the Brazilian butt lift surgery, though, depends greatly on the particular individual. 

The fat volume required for the butt lift surgery may range from 300ml to 800ml on each side of the buttocks. Furthermore, the Brazilian butt lift results also depend greatly on the expertise and technique of the board certified plastic surgeons performing the procedure.

If the procedure is not performed properly, the majority of the fat can go away. Most especially; since the fat grafting is connected to the tissues and it needs to survive. Thus, the higher the volume of fat available for harvest, the better.


Why is the Brazilian butt lift so popular?

The reason for the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift procedure is because there are certain sets of women who love to have additional fat to their buttocks.

The first group of individuals is those that want a super curvy buttock. For instance, many stars like; the Kadarshian clan, Jenifer Lopez, and Beyonce made super curvy shapes quite popular. 

As a result, most women now long for this curvy look, thus making them maximize the volume of their butt even their breasts sometimes.

They can only achieve their desired super curvy look through the help Best BBL Doctors Near Me performing the Brazilian butt lift surgery on them.

The second group of women that made the Brazilian butt lift surgery very popular is those who only want to fix up their curves by adding the smallest curve to their butt. These sets of women are those who are born without curves and, as a result, have flat bottoms. With the help of the fat transfer from the stomach to buttocks, these patients can now improve their butt volume, tighten up the loose bottom, and spot super curvy buttocks.  


Is Brazilian butt lift worth it?

Anyone who wants to undergo the augmentation procedure for a Brazilian butt lift, the person is likely to ask what a Brazilian butt lift is? Also, they will want to know whether the Brazilian bum lift is worth it.

The truth about these particular butt fat injections is that this cosmetic procedure removes fat that is excess in your body, removing fat and transfer fat where it is needed to give you prominent buttocks that are out of this mind-blowing.

However, just like other cosmetic procedures, it comes with its specific pros and cons as also. Let’s check out some of the advantages and disadvantages of fat transfer to buttocks even by Best BBL Doctors Near Me.


  •       You will get prominent and perky buttocks
  •       Your buttocks will have a youthful look
  •       The removing fat comes from your body
  •       These cosmetic procedures deal with liposuction, which delivers excellent contour on your buttocks and donor sites.
  •       You don’t need butt implants for the augmentation procedure
  •       Complications and risks are minimal



  •       Donor sites for fat grafting are limited or non-existent
  •       The removing fat which is transplanted may not survive
  •       The recovery period of the Brazilian butt lift procedure is likely to take up to 4-6 weeks
  •       You may not sit properly for like 2-3 weeks

Fat transfer from the stomach to buttocks is ideal for you if you want high-volume butt without the need for implants. Therefore, considering the advantages and disadvantages, or even the costs, I will say that the result is well worth the effort.


Is Brazilian butt lift safe?

The Brazilian butt lift procedure has indeed shown a higher morbidity rate, which led to the National Society to form a task force to find out why. Yet, there are so many happy patients available who are enjoying their super curvy look. These patients received tummy tuck and bbl safely, and it resulted in beautiful curves for them. So I can safely say that, yes! The Brazilian Butt lift is very safe.

Although for it to be safe, the patient needs to be aware of the safest approach to the butt fat injections as well as going only to board certified plastic surgeons for their Brazilian buttock.


Brazilian butt lift surgery near me 

If you want to get the Brazilian butt lift procedure, you should only visit board certified surgeons who can notice the limitations of the bbl surgery. Also, the plastic surgeon should be up to date on the current safety precautions as well as be straightforward with you about what you will experience during surgery and recovery.

That is why; you need the Brazilian butt lift surgery near me is at Premiere Surgical Arts. Feel free to call these us today if you are in need of a safe Brazilian butt lift procedure. You can also visit our official site for more information about Best BBL Doctors Near Me.


Since the advent of celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, who are showing off their well-rounded derriere, the Brazilian butt lift is way more popular than you may think.

In fact, many boards certified plastic surgeons are inundated with questions regarding the success rate of the butt lift surgery procedures.

The Brazilian butt lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that board-certified plastic surgeons perform to patients who want to improve their curves. The plastic surgeon removes fat from the patient’s undesired sections and uses it to increase the volume on their buttocks. 

According to the report by the London Plastic Surgery Group, the 2nd half of 2016 experienced a dramatic increase that is up to 500% in consultations regarding the Brazilian butt lift surgery.

However, the board-certified plastic surgeons at Premiere Surgical Arts explains that the patients should only go to surgeons who have years of experience in the field due to the risks involved in the procedure. As a patient, you should only go to the plastic surgeons that know all the pitfalls as well as upgraded in the current safest way possible for the procedure.

Of course, you can only find such board-certified plastic surgeons like those at Premiere Surgical Arts to perform the procedure for you. Visit our official website for more information.

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