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Brazilian Butt Lift in Houston, TX

You opt for Brazilian butt lift surgery because you want to make your body more curvaceous along with making your butt look bigger and firmer. If you live in Houston, Tx and you are also looking for bbl surgery near me, one of the best clinics to visit is Premiere Surgical Arts. Your surgeon will recommend what’s best for you. Brazilian butt lift surgery is a safe and effective procedure, however, it also has its disadvantages and certain precautions that need to be taken, otherwise, you won’t get the desires results. If you want to know more about Brazilian butt lift, you are in the right place. Let’s have a look at it in detail.

If I Lose Weight After Surgery, Will My Buttock Size Decrease?

In Brazilian butt lift surgery, fat is harvested from some sites of the body where it is not needed, and then after processing, the purified fat is stored in the buttocks to give them firmer, and bigger look. One of the cares that are recommended after the surgery is that you must maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle if you want to achieve the best results. However, you come to see the results of the Brazilian butt lift procedure after 3-6 months. And it takes about a year to establish blood supply for fat cells and to make them permanent.

Although, it is advised that you should not be actively dieting or losing weight nearby surgery because this well limits the body from actively healing. Similarly, it is recommended that you should maintain an ideal weight after the surgery and don’t diet, because losing weight after the Brazilian butt lift surgery will lose the volume and weight of your buttocks as well.

How Much Fat Can Be Injected Into Each Side?

If you are looking for bbl surgery near me, you may know very well that it involves fat grafting in which the fat is transferred from one part of the body to another. In Brazilian butt lift surgery, fat is harvested from one site of the body. The harvested fat is then processed. After purification, the fat is then injected into the buttocks to give you the shape that you want.

Certain factors decide whether you are an ideal candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery or not. One of these factors is your BMI and fat stores in the body. If your BMI is 22 or higher, this means that you have enough fat stores in the body that can make the fat transfer in the Brazilian butt lift procedure possible.

How much fat can be injected into each side? Well! This also depends on your shape and body and what do you want. Usually, at least a total of 1000 cc fat is harvested to inject 500cc fat in each buttock. However, most people also receive fat of 800 cc into each buttock.

How Much Of The Fat Can I Expect To Keep Permanently?

The amount of fat retained after the Brazilian butt lift surgery varies from person to person. However, you can expect to retain about 60% to 80% of your fat transfer. This is a general level that you may expect to retain after 6 months, as the results of the Brazilian butt lift procedure are visible after 6 months. Moreover, as mentioned above, it is recommended that you may not be actively dieting and losing weight during or after the surgery.

And this is the amount of fat that you will retain if you take certain necessary precautions after the surgery such as avoiding sitting directly on your buttocks for at least 3 weeks. Although it may seem inconvenient it is necessary to retain this amount of fat. Similarly, you need to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, so that you don’t gain or lose weight in the following months after the procedure. As any drastic change in body weight and fat will have an impact on the surgery results.

Moreover, the amount of fat you will retain also depends on the surgeon who does your surgery. The better and qualified the surgeon, the longer your butt lift results will last. The reason is that an experienced surgeon will purify and inject the harvested fat correctly. This will make it last longer.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For This Procedure?

If you are looking for bbl surgery near me, first you have to make sure that you are an ideal candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery. Otherwise, other options can give you some better results such as gaining weight or butt implants. However, the following conditions make you an ideal candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery.

  • You can have a Brazilian butt lift surgery if you are okay with the procedure and you don’t want butt implants to augment the size and shape of your butts.
  • If your skin tone in the lower body, your buttocks, and hips, is good, this is one of the factors that you an ideal candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery.
  • As the procedure of Brazilian butt lift involves fat transfer from one site of the body to your butts, you must have some fat pockets stored in the areas of the body such as tummy, lower back, hips, thighs, etc. these fat pockets are necessary for fat distribution.
  • You can have Brazilian butt lift surgery if you can maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, certain restrictions must be addressed such as, you have to avoid sitting on your butts for a few weeks. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get predictable results. Similarly, avoid gaining or losing weight after the surgery, as drastic changes in weight will destroy the distribution of fat cells into the buttocks.


If you look for bbl surgery near me, you should visit one of the best clinics in Houston, Tx the Premiere Surgical Arts clinic because you must get bbl surgery done from a qualified professional, otherwise, the procedure is quite dangerous. For more details, you can visit the website To book an appointment, call at 832-930-7660.


In Houston, Tx, one of the best clinics for cosmetic procedures is Brazilian butt lift surgery. Brazilian butt lift surgery is becoming popular because it offers you butt augmentation by harvesting and injecting your fat after it is processed. This means that you need to have some fat deposits in the body. If your BMI is above 22, you can have Brazilian butt lift surgery. Similarly, some other considerations also need to be identified such as, you can take precautions after the surgery, you have good skin tone, and you don’t want butt implants to augment your butts. 

Although, a Brazilian butt lift is a safe procedure you should consult a qualified professional to do it. Otherwise, it could be very dangerous. Moreover, the amount of fat you will retain after the surgery also depends on the surgeon. You must also control your weight after the procedure, as a drastic change in weight hinders the results of Brazilian butt lift surgery. For this purpose, an active lifestyle is important. 

You can visit the website of Premiere Surgical Arts for more details about Brazilian butt lift surgery and other cosmetic procedures. The website is And you can book an appointment by calling at 832-930-7660.


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