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Overview of Recovery After Liposuction | Medical Center on Richmond

Overview of Recovery After Liposuction | Liposuction Before And After

Liposuction goes by many names — liposculpture, lipoplasty, suction lipectomy, lipo, etc. Regardless of the name, it denotes the same thing — liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat tissues from targeted areas in your body via a thin and hollow tube called a cannula.

During the liposuction procedure, the cannula is inserted into specifically targeted regions within your body via narrow incisions. The cannula is moved back and forth to loosen the fat tissues and vacuum them out of your body. As the fat tissues are removed from the body, the targeted regions will appear significantly thinner, more contoured, and defined.

It’s often wrongly assumed that liposuction is a weight loss procedure — it’s not. Liposuction is a body sculpting procedure that removes specifically targeted pockets of stubborn fat tissues from areas like the thighs, love handles, belly, etc. Liposuction can only remove a limited quantity of fat tissues from your body, making it ideal for body contouring but not for overall weight loss.

When considering liposuction options, patients often wonder about the recovery procedure. Liposuction involves a little downtime, and you must take certain precautions. This article provides a detailed overview of recovery after liposuction, so you can plan when and how to proceed with liposuction near me.

Immediately after the Liposuction

Once the liposuction procedure concludes, you’ll immediately be put into a specifically-designed compression garment and then transferred to the recovery room within an hour. You’ll have to stay in the recovery room for a few hours, allowing the attendants and doctors to assess your recovery, oxygen levels, vital signs, etc., to ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction to the surgery or anesthesia.

You’ll be released and allowed to return home after a brief observation period. You must have someone else drive you back home because you’ll be under the anesthetic influence. You should also have certain essentials at home, including comfortable and loose-fitting clothes, dark towels to absorb any discharge of fluids, pillows, pain medications, and bottled water.

First 48 Hours after the Liposuction

You’ll experience mild to moderate pain for the first 48 hours after the liposuction procedure. However, the pain will start decreasing after about 48 hours, and you can control it with the right pain medications, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen). You may also experience some bruising and the discharge of fluids from the incision points.

First Two Weeks after the Liposuction

You must wear the compression garments 24 hours a day and frequently walk to ensure smooth blood circulation, preventing blood clots. Walking once an hour should be enough — you must also avoid overexertion. You should also drink sufficient fluids, but you must avoid bathing or showering. If you must, you may give yourself a sponge bath or wash your hair carefully over the sink.

You’ll need to go for a follow-up appointment and examination within the first week. The doctor may remove your compression garments to examine your incisions and check your progress. You’ll have to continue wearing the compression garments 24 hours a day for the remainder of the two weeks. You can start stretching, walking longer distances, or exercising gently after the first week, but only if approved by your doctor.

First Month after the Liposuction

You may return to work after the second week of the recovery. Your doctor may ask you to limit your compression garment use to around 12 hours a day after the second week, allowing you to resume work more comfortably. You can resume most normal activities and exercises in the fourth week. However, the swelling and bruising may remain visible for a few months.

How long is the recovery period for liposuction?

The entire recovery period, from the end of the procedure to the moment you can resume all normal activities, is approximately one month. However, different people have different healing speeds, and you should defer to your doctor’s opinions on when you can resume daily activities. While you’ll recover after the first month, you may continue seeing swellings for a few months longer.

How does a patient recover from an arm liposuction surgery? How soon do you recover from belly liposuction?

The recovery procedure for liposuction is the same whether you get liposuction on your arms, belly, love handles, hips, thighs, or other body parts. In all cases, you’ll have to wear compression garments 24/7 for about two weeks and resume all daily activities after the third or fourth week.

How long does it take to see the results of liposuction?

You’ll start noticing the treatment results after the third week, once the swelling starts receding. Most patients are ready to start wearing swimsuits within a month. However, it usually takes 6 to 12 months before you notice the final results.

Is liposuction safe?

Liposuction carries the same sets of risks inherent in all surgical procedures, such as the risk of infections, blood clots, bleeding, and an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. Besides the standard risks, liposuction also includes the risks of uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, contour problems, and other cosmetic concerns. That’s why it’s advisable to see a doctor’s liposuction before and after gallery to ensure they produce consistent and natural results.

Is liposuction worth it?

Despite the risks and downtime, most patients believe liposuction is completely worth the effort. Liposuction is especially popular amongst patients who have been trying in vain to remove specific pockets of stubborn fat through regular dieting and exercise. Unfortunately, you can’t spot reduce weight or fats with traditional exercises. Liposuction allows you to achieve the results you wouldn’t be able to achieve without intervention. Furthermore, the risks of liposuction are negligible if you find a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon.

Schedule liposuction near me today.

Premiere Surgical Arts is one of the most reputable state-of-the-art plastic surgery centers in Richmond Ave, Houston, TX. We have a perfect track record, as evidenced by our liposuction before and after gallery. For more information, please schedule an appointment today.

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