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Fat Transfer To Buttocks Houston | Butt Augmentation

The Fat Transfer To Buttocks is a well-known plastic surgery procedure which uses the fat transfer procedure to make your derriere fuller and attractive. Brazilian butt lift involves fat grafting buttocks in Houston, which is known for producing natural-like results.

Butt augmentation Houston TX has become so popular that it is among the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures which board-certified cosmetic surgeons perform. According to the Annual Statistics of 2016, the Brazilian butt lift increased up to 26% just between 2015 and 2016.

During a fat transfer procedure, the plastic surgeon in-charge extracts fat from other parts of your body. Often, the fat transferred to the buttocks comes from your thighs, flanks, abdomen, or love handles. This extracted fat is then purified and re-injected into your butt to increase its volume.

Does the Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Hurt?

Most people who are considering undertaking the Brazilian butt lift always worry about the fat transfer from stomach to buttocks recovery. Butt injections Houston may show a bit postoperative pain which is quite normal. The patient undertaking fat grafting buttocks in Houston may feel a certain pain, swelling, and bruising after the fat transfer procedure, especially during the 1st week after surgery.

However, you will not feel this pain much since your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain relief meds to alleviate your pain. But then, the majority of the Brazilian Butt Lift patients testifies that no matter the level of discomfort they may feel post-operative, it is all worth the outcome. Moreover, the recovery takes around 3 weeks. You should bear in mind though the fat grafting buttocks recover period varies from person to person depending on their overall health, age, and how well you follow post-operative instructions of the fat transfer doctors in Houston Tx. So, you should be ready to bring out at least 3 weeks of your time for this procedure.

Is Brazilian Butt Lift Worth It?

Although the Fat Transfer To Buttocks Houston TX may show little or no complications unlike other implants, the Brazilian butt lift also has many other advantages. For instance;

  •       The major reason people go for plastic surgery is to improve their body’s proportions. The fat transferred to the buttocks enhances it and gives you your dream shape.
  •       With fat transfer doctors in Houston, TX, you can easily extract the pockets in various parts of your body. Moreover, surgeons take the fat in your body during surgery such as; your love handles, thighs, stomach, and hips.
  •       When you use artificial and implant fillers, you will definitely notice an unnatural appearance. However, the Brazillian butt lift has a more natural-looking result.
  •       The end product of the Brazilian butt lift is very quick. That is; you don’t need to waste strenuous hours at the gym trying to beat yourself into shape when you can get the fat transfer procedure.
  •       Your clothes will flatter you more after fat grafting buttocks In Houston Tx.
  •       The Brazilian butt lift procedure is quite safe.
  •       The cellulite is not very noticeable

Considering all the above benefits, we can say that the transferring fat procedure is worth it.

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

The fat grafting to buttocks and hips cost varies from one country to the other. For example, Brazilian buttock lift cost Houston Tx will be very different from the cost in Turkey and other countries. The reason is due to the different price policies which these countries operate on.

Therefore, how much it will cost for fat transfer to buttocks (fat transfer cost) will depend on the location you are undergoing the fat transfer procedure. But to answer the question, the average cost of fat transfer to butt is around $2,000 to $10,000.

What Is A Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift is a well-known plastic surgery procedure which includes transferring fat from the stomach or other areas of the body to the buttocks for enhancement. The fat transferred to the buttocks will give you a fuller and shapelier backside.

How Can One Prepare For A Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

If you have decided that the Brazilian butt lift is for you, then you should take some preparation prior to the procedure date. As the date for your fat transfer procedure approaches, you should prepare yourself as follows;

  •       Keep your diet healthy- drink a lot of water and eat healthy foods
  •       Stock up your house with food supplies and any other items which will ensure a comfortable and easy recovery.
  •       Start practising your relaxation techniques through breathing
  •       Continue your workout routine daily
  •       Avoid smoking before and after the plastic surgery


Is Brazilian Butt Lift Safe?

The physical shape which every woman dreams of today is the well-toned, shapely, and full-sized booty. However, only a few of the feminine gender are fortunate to have this physique. This is the reason why fat transfer to buttocks Houston, TX is so popular. It is one of the best sought-after plastic surgery available today.

Brazilian butt lift involves butt reshaping as well as butt augmentation Houston Tx. With this procedure your derriere will become fuller and shapelier since it is artfully and carefully sculpted. The result will be an amazing natural-like appearance.

The Butt injections Houston or fat transfer procedure is very safe. It is all about transferring fat. A Brazilian butt lift is quite safe especially when a board-certified cosmetic surgeon  performs it. Moreover, the Brazilian butt lift makes use of your fat, so the likelihood of rejection is minimal.

Transfer to Buttocks Cost Near Me

The cost for Brazillian butt lift varies due to various reasons such as the location of the clinic, surgeons experience, number of treatment areas and so on. However, on averge the cost be between $5000-$11000.

If you are deciding to undergo the Brazilian butt lift surgery and looking for the best surgeons to perform your procedure, check out Premiere Surgical Arts. We have state-of-the art medical facilities and experienced surgeons who will guide you throughout the entire procedure. For more information regarding cost and preparation call us today and log on to our site to book an appointment.

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