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Fat Transfer From Stomach to Buttocks: What You Should Know

How to Transfer Fat From Stomach to Buttocks?

Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks that come from the stomach is a dream come true for most people. This process is known as the Brazilian butt lift surgery, and it involves fat grafting or fat transfer from stomach or any other part of the body to the buttocks. 

This procedure is carried out through gentle liposuction, and the removed fat is injected anywhere else in the body or as butt augmentations. This procedure can only be conducted by board-certified plastic surgeons.

Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks works wonderfully even for every other part of the body, such as filling the hollow under the eyelids, recreating the other areas that lost its volume due to age, and enhancing the cheeks. You can also use fat injections to maximize the size of the breast and improve the shape.

Since the Brazilian butt lift procedure involves transferring excess fat from your own body, most people regard it as a natural cosmetic surgery. No wonder the Brazilian butt lift surgery or Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks has become the current trend and very popular. In fact, it has increased from 26%, which was in 2016 to 72% presently.


Is Brazilian butt Lift Worth It?

There is no doubt that anyone who wants to undergo the cosmetic procedures for a Brazilian butt lift, he/she is likely to ask what a Brazilian butt lift is? Also, they will want to know whether the Brazilian butt lift procedure is worth it.

The truth about this particular cosmetic surgery is that it removes fat that is excess in your body, transferring fat where it is needed to give you prominent buttocks that are out of this world.

However, just like other cosmetic procedures, it comes with its specific advantages and disadvantages, as well. Let’s check out some of the pros and cons of Injecting Body Fat Into the Buttocks.


  •       You will get prominent and perky buttocks
  •       Your buttocks will have a youthful look
  •       The removes fat comes from your body
  •       These cosmetic procedures deal with liposuction, which delivers excellent contour on your buttocks and donor sites.
  •       You don’t need butt implants for butt augmentations
  •       Complications and risks are fewer


  •       Donor sites for excess fat are limited or non-existent
  •       The removed fat transplanted may not survive
  •       Healing of the Brazilian butt lift procedure is likely to take up to 4-6 weeks
  •       You may not sit properly for like 2-3 weeks

Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks is ideal for you if you want a high-volume butt without the need for implants. Therefore, considering the pros and cons, and even costs, I will say that the result is well worth the effort.


What are Butt Injections?

If you have ever spent long hours at the gym trying to get the Kardashian-Esque buttocks, you must have thought of an easier and quicker way to reach it.

As it stands, Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks is the quickest trendy cosmetic procedure that accomplishes it for you. If you go by what the American Society of cosmetic surgeons says, there has been a dramatic increase from 2015 to 2016 for butt injections.

 What fat injections are all about is removing excess fat from your legs, arms, back, flanks, or belly through the cosmetic procedure called liposuction. Then the removes fat is strategically redeposited all over your buttocks in an outpatient process.

The initial cosmetic procedure for the butt fat injections is quite safe. It is the second part that is quite tricky and risky. The reason is that Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks is dangerous and requires board-certified plastic surgeons. That is why; there is a task force whose primary aim is to minimize the mortality rates due to butt injections.

If the butt augmentations are even a centimeter off, thus making the needle to hit any blood vessel mistakenly, the fat is likely to go straight to the patient’s heart, causing instant death. This situation is known as fat embolism. 


Why is the Brazilian Butt Lift so Popular?

The reason for the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift procedure is because there are two sets of people that want additional fat to their butts.

The first set of people is those that want a super curvy buttock. For instance, many celebrities like; Kim Kadarshian, Jenifer Lopez, and Beyonce made super curvy shapes quite popular. As a result, most women want to replicate this curvy look, thus making them increase the volume of their buttocks, even breasts sometimes. 

They can only achieve their desired super curvy look by Injecting Body Fat Into their Buttocks via the Brazilian butt lift surgery.

The second set of people that made the Brazilian butt lift surgery very popular is those who only want to fix things by adding the smallest curve to their butt. These sets of people are those who are born without curves and, as a result, have flat bottoms. With the help of the cosmetic procedures, the patient can now increase the butt volume, tighten up the loose bottom, and spot super curvy buttocks.  


Is Brazilian Butt Lift Safe?

The Brazilian butt lift procedure has indeed shown a higher morbidity rate, which led to the National Society to form a task force to find out why. Yet, there are so many happy patients available who are enjoying their super curvy look. These patients received fat injections safely, which produces beautiful results for them. So I can safely say that, yes! The Brazilian Butt lift surgery is quite safe.

For it to be safe, though, the patient needs to be aware of the safest approach to cosmetic procedures as well as going only to board-certified plastic surgeons for the Brazilian butt lift procedure.


The Best Brazilian Buttock Lift Surgeon Near Me

If you want to undergo the Brazilian butt lift procedure, you should only go to board-certified surgeons who can notice the limitations of this particular cosmetic procedure. Also, the plastic surgeon should be up to date on the current safety precautions as well as be plain with you about what you will experience during surgery and recovery.

That is why; you need the plastic surgery Brazilian lift near me at Premiere Surgical Arts. Feel free to call us today if you are in need of a safe Brazilian butt lift procedure. You can also visit our official site  for more information about Injecting Body Fat Into Buttocks.


If you decide to fat transfer from stomach to buttocks, it is a big decision. However, there is a need for you to everything you should know about cosmetic procedures before undergoing it.

You should know that the harvested fat will be your own, which is grafted from your body. The process of collecting this fat is through a liposuction procedure. The dislodged fat comes from more fat density areas of your body, which have healthy fat accumulation.

Then, the removed fat is purified within a sterile environment and then transferred back to your buttocks through a syringe. You should be aware that even the lifting, tightening, smoothing, as well as enhancing effects, are produced by your body tissues.

Another thing you ought to know about the Brazilian butt lift procedure is that; it may need more than one process. Similar to any other fat grafting process, there is the probability that some fats may reabsorb back into your body.

You should also know that not all fat cells survive due to the procedure of fat transfer. To be precise, about 50% or 70% of the transferred fat stays in the body while the rest naturally and healthily absorbed.

That is why; you need an excellent and board-certified plastic surgeon like those at Premiere Surgical Arts to perform the procedure for you. Visit our official website for more information.

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