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Buttock Augmentation with Fat Grafting– aka the Brazilian butt- lift

If you were to go by the Annual Statistics in 2016, fat Injections for Buttock Enhancement is growing too fast within the cosmetic surgical industry. This butt enhancement surgery is usually carried out by plastic surgeons that have board certification to perform a fat transfer. Another name for buttock augmentation with fat grafting is the Brazilian butt lift. Between 2015 and 2016, the Brazilian butt lift procedure has skyrocketed to 26% while but augmentation with fat transfer implants increased up to 18% within the same time.

At the time of butt enhancement surgery, the surgeon in-charge brings out the fat situated where you don’t need it, such as your thighs, abdomen, and performs a fat transfer to your butt. You should know, though, this procedure combines butt augmentation and liposuction. If capable, skilled hands perform your butt lift surgery, you can benefit many things apart from butt enlargement. For instance, you can also benefit: Butt tuck, shapelier butt as well as recontouring your entire torso plus your thighs, abdomen, and waist.

That is why; the place to go for your Augmentation with fat grafting is at Urbn Dental, where certified professionals can take care of your butt enhancement Surgery. 

Why is the Brazilian Butt Lift so Popular?

The popularity of Brazilian Butt Lift is not surprising with the high rate of a cultural obsession with perky and large derrieres. The butt is just like the breast that comes in many different sizes and shapes. Some people have droopy butts; some have curvier ones, while some people are blessed with bigger buts. When a person ages, the buttocks tend to lose shape and droop. In this period in your life, butt enhancement surgery comes in handy to remedy the situation and give you a buttock lift. Another butt enlargement or butt lift procedure requires implants, but the Brazilian Butt Lift does Augmentation with fat grafting as well as fat transfer. No wonder the BBL is so popular. This process of Brazilian butt lift fat transfer can be risky. So, it is imperative to go to buttock enhancement specialists who can perform the procedure at minimal risks. There is no other safer place to go than your neighboring Urbn Dental clinic. Visit our site or call today for more information about affordable Brazilian butt lift surgery. 

How Much Fat is Needed for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

The BBL, otherwise known as the Brazilian butt lift, is a non-surgical process of butt enlargement. The required fat necessary for the procedure depends much on the individual. The fat that an individual can bring in for the BBL may range from 300ml to 800ml on each side of the buttocks.

The successful result of this butt tuck also depends much on the expertise and technique of your physician. If the augmentation with fat is not performed well, the majority of your fat can go away, which is not good at all. The procedure is indeed a tissue grafting that is expected to survive.

At Urbn Dental, we carry out affordable Brazilian butt lift surgery as well as other buttock augmentation with fat jobs. You can visit us at for more information and details.

Is Brazilian Butt Lift Safe?

Recently, it was found out that the cause of the high mortality rate in BBL surgery is a result of fat embolism. Its estimated death rate is identified to be 1 in every 3000 people that undergo BBL. According to a study of the deaths in 2015, it comes due to gluteal augmentation of blood vessels, which damaged during the process. As a result, it allows fat to go into the bloodstream.

That is why; specialists recommend that butt lift injections be administered very carefully. The medical practitioner that is applying the butt injections shouldn’t allow the injections to go very deep within the muscle planes. Most of the deaths which are associated with BBL come as a result of inappropriately certified practitioners who are working in facilities without the appropriate approval. That is why; it is essential to go to the proper places which are qualified and certified for this procedure. You can always weigh the risks and benefits of this procedure before embarking on one.   

Are there Uses for the Human Fats after a Liposuction?

Please don’t mind what the movie industry will want us to believe. Any human fat that remains after liposuction is regarded as medical waste and as such, discarded immediately. The surgeon can harvest fat during surgery, which is used immediately as the filter for soft tissues of the buttocks, breasts, hands, face, etc. it can also serve as a stem cell for treating various issues.

Removing fat successfully is not what an ordinary surgeon can perform. It is only an expert cosmetic surgeon that can really remove fat safely. If the fat is not distributed completely, please, it is safer to discard it immediately as medical waste. Don’t store up the fat for another use for safety purposes. 

Fat Transfer to Buttocks Near Me

Butt enhancement surgery comes with many great benefits as well as risk factors. It is the ideal way you can eliminate all those fats which dieting and exercise cannot remove. However, you must only go to the dermatologist or plastic surgeon for the butt lift surgery. You can find such experts at Urbn Dental the Fat Transfer to Buttocks Near Me. The experts here can do an affordable Brazilian butt lift surgery as well as your belly, arms, back, thighs, buttocks, and face shape enhancement. Even if you want tummy tucks, breast reductions, and facelifts, you can always get the and safe procedure at Urbn Dental. The dermatologist or plastic surgeons here will inform you of everything you need to know about the procedure before you undertake one. You are sure to receive the treatment with minimal risks at Urbn Dental. Feel free to call or email us to book for an appointment.

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