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Breast Augmentation Risks and Rewards

Our Houston breast augmentation patients have a variety of reasons for wanting the procedure yet they all have something in common: Each one desires the boost in confidence that comes from being happy with their body. Loving how you look definitely brings about a sense of contentment that trickles over into all aspects of a person’s life. As a cosmetic surgeon in Houston and the man behind Premiere Surgical Arts, Dr. Calvin Jung has performed thousands of breast augmentations giving him a unique insight into the pros and cons of breast implants. If you’re asking yourself, “Should I get breast implants?” then you’re in the right place. Without further ado, here is our guide to breast augmentation risks and rewards.

Breast Augmentation Risks and Safety

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure and, just as with any surgery, it comes with risks. However, finding a cosmetic surgeon you trust and who has experience can help to decrease the chances of complications. Most women don’t experience any long term side effects of breast augmentation, though it’s beneficial to learn about the potential drawbacks and make an informed decision. Some possible breast implant surgery risks include:

Issues with anesthesia:

All surgeries carry this risk yet it can be greatly reduced. When we perform procedures at our Houston surgical center, not only do we rely on a team of trained professionals, which is key, we also meet with patients first to get a health history, examine them and give them clear, detailed pre-surgical instructions. Always be sure to let a doctor know about any previous reactions to anesthesia and to follow directions including not eating or smoking for a certain amount of time before surgery.


Again, relying on an experienced surgeon and following all post-operative instructions will help to prevent infection. If you’re given antibiotics, take them as directed. Only about 1% of women with breast implants experience an infection in the first year after their procedure. In rare cases, infection can occur that isn’t related to the surgery so you’ll want to follow some standard breast implant safety guidelines. If you develop an infection elsewhere in your body, see a doctor and treat it immediately. Prior to any other surgery, let the surgeon know you have implants. They may prescribe you an oral antibiotic as a preventative measure.

Capsular contracture (tightening of the tissue capsule surrounding the implant leading to the hardening of the breast or squeezing of the implant):

There’s no way to guarantee that capsular contracture won’t occur, however, we do everything we can to reduce this risk including taking steps to prevent infection, hematoma and seroma, all of which increase the chances of it.

Changes in nipple or breast sensation:

This side effect of breast implants is usually temporary. At our patients’ initial consultations, we discuss the different incision techniques and types of breast implants and how we can give them the results with the lowest chance of any changes in sensation.

Ruptured or leaking implant:

Trauma to the chest, damage during procedures to the breast like biopsies and overfilling or underfilling saline implants can all lead to ruptures or leaking. This is where going to an accredited surgical center and relying on a trusted surgeon can really play a major role in mitigating the risks. We always follow the approved protocols at Premiere Surgical Arts and patient safety is our priority. We fill implants appropriately and don’t engage in dangerous practices such as stacking the implants, which can lead to leakage. If you’re having a mammogram, biopsy or other procedure done on your breasts, be sure to remind the doctor that you have implants.

The need for additional breast surgeries:

If you experience a complication, don’t like the results or are unhappy with changes after pregnancy or weight fluctuations, you may want or need additional breast surgeries. Dr. Jung believes in giving patients realistic expectations and illustrating what they can expect after breast augmentation so that there are no surprises and they’re thrilled with their new shape.

Hypertrophic scarring:

In about 2% of patients, a thick, red, raised scar forms after surgery that requires treatment. At your consultation, we go over the incision options and choose the approach for your body and skin. Dr. Jung’s meticulous surgical technique further lessens the chance of raised scars. Caring for the incision sites as directed can help with healing too.

Breast pain:

You’ll experience temporary bruising and discomfort after your breast augmentation surgery but the pain can be managed with oral medication. Follow Dr. Jung’s post-op instructions carefully for the results and least amount of discomfort.

Advantages of Breast Augmentation

Okay, so now that we’ve put the majority of the potential, yet rare, complications of breast augmentation out there, on to the good stuff. There are a lot of benefits of breast implants, which is why so many women undergo breast enlargement surgery every year. In fact, according to the latest breast augmentation statistics from the American Society of cosmetic surgeons, 279,000 people opted for the surgery in 2015. While life after breast augmentation varies by individual and everyone experiences the positives differently, these are these are some of the key benefits of breast augmentation:

Clothing fits better:

When you have small or sagging breasts or ones that aren’t in proportion to the rest of your body, finding clothing that fits can be a challenge. Bras, bikinis and tops may not hang correctly or sometimes patients complain they’re not filling them out. Implants make breasts perkier, larger and fuller meaning your clothing choices will expand greatly and you can say goodbye to padded bras.

More youthful looking breasts:

A loss of volume and sagging in the breasts from any number of causes ranging from aging to weight loss, can make you look older. A major benefit of breast augmentation is fuller, more lifted breasts that have a youthful appearance.

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Brings body into proportion:

Breast augmentation can create balance in your figure and improve your body proportion. This, in turn, often has the effect of making you appear shapelier overall.

Creates symmetry:

Nearly all women have one breast that’s larger than the other. However, sometimes the difference in size and shape between the two breasts is drastic and causes embarrassment. Breast augmentation will make the breasts symmetrical.

Reverses changes from breastfeeding, pregnancy and weight fluctuations:

Breast augmentation will correct any sagging or loss of volume to allow you to reclaim your figure.

Boost in confidence and body image:

Breast augmentation can give you a major boost in confidence and allow you to love what you see in the mirror. This enhanced self-esteem has a huge impact on all areas of one’s life from relationships to career. There are psychological benefits of breast implants. When you think you look good, you feel good and have a more positive outlook.

Can make you feel sexier:

For better or worse, our society often equates full breasts with femininity and breast enlargement makes some patients feel more womanly and desirable. On this note, studies have indicated that after breast augmentation, a large percentage of patients’ sex lives improve likely due to the fact they felt sexier. One survey found that 61% of respondents reported this was the case.

Should I Have a Breast Augmentation?

You’ve heard the pros and cons of breast implants and now you’re wondering if it’s the right step for you. Are there reasons not to get breast implants? Of course. If you’re doing it for someone else or you have an underlying psychological issue that’s causing you to be unhappy with your body, it can create unrealistic expectations and you may never be happy with the results. Yet, in most cases, when a woman has her heart set on breast augmentation, is in good health and is realistic about the outcome, she’s a great candidate.

Some of the most common reasons for breast augmentation include:

  • Correcting changes in size and shape after weight fluctuations, pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Feeling self-conscious when wearing form-fitting tops, swimsuits or lingerie
  • Having breasts that are noticeably different in size or shape
  • Finding that clothes that fit the bottom half of the body are too big in the chest
  • Being generally unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts
  • Believing your breasts are too small for your frame
  • Having breasts that never developed (micromastia)

While weighing the risks and rewards of breast augmentation is an excellent first step, the only way to determine if it’s truly right for you is to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. If you’re interested in breast implants in Houston, Texas, contact Premiere Surgical Arts and book an appointment with Dr. Jung. He’ll listen carefully to your goals, examine your breasts, go over all of the pros and cons and talk about the probable outcome of surgery with you. You’ll even have the opportunity to try on different types and sizes of implants in your bra to get a better idea of what looks on you. By the time you leave, you’ll feel confident in your decision whether or not to undergo breast augmentation. If you do opt to move forward and breast augmentation is something you really want, know the rewards, such as improved body image and confidence, can be truly life changing and at Premiere Surgical Arts your happiness and safety are our top priorities.

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