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What to Expect During Your Cosmetic Consultation?

Cosmetic surgery procedures can strike fear in even the most self-confident individuals. However, one of the many duties and responsibilities of a qualified cosmetic surgery consultant is to prepare patients for cosmetic surgery procedures. 

A cosmetic surgery consultant will educate patients on the entire process while providing patients with honest expectations to get them physically, mentally and psychologically ready for the possible outcome of the procedure.

The Importance of a Cosmetic Surgery Consultant

A cosmetic surgery consultant plays a very important role in modern plastic surgery practice. Surgery consultation gives the consultant a chance to assess patients and determine their suitability for the cosmetic surgery procedure they hope to get done. 

The consultant lays everything on the table letting patients know exactly what they’re getting into with their chosen cosmetic surgery. It is also a chance for patients to ask as many questions as they can about the procedure before going under the knife. 

Patients also get to assess surgeons and to choose the surgeon they feel would be the best fit for them. In addition to this, as a patient, you can discuss expected goals and compare them with what can be realistically achieved before signing up for any cosmetic procedure. 

How Long Do You Have to Spend with Your Cosmetic Surgery Consultant?

Typically, a meeting with your cosmetic surgery consultant can last anywhere from one to two hours, but it can be longer depending on the complication of your chosen procedure. 

Plastic surgery consultation is a vital part of the whole process and you really shouldn’t be in a hurry to get it over with. You should spend time getting to know the designated surgeon for your case. 

Get to know his or her credentials, experience, and even their vision for the cosmetic procedure. Surgery consulting is a time where you get to know the nitty-gritty of the entire procedure including the scheduled timeline for the surgery as well as post-operative care and recovery.


If your purpose for meeting plastic surgery consultants is to discuss your need for liposuction, then it is important to know the various types of liposuction available to know which type would be best suited to your cosmetic needs. You could have to decide on one of three liposuction procedures and these are:

  • Body Liposuction: This involves sculpting those parts of your body that are resistant to intense exercise and a proper dietary plan. Body Liposuction will give you a more refined shape and curvature. 
  • Laser or Smart Liposuction: This type of liposuction procedure involves a minimal invasive procedure with less downtime to worry about compared to traditional Liposuction procedure.
  • Vaser Liposuction: The third type now Liposuction procedure is called Vaser Liposuction which is designed to melt fat deposits wherever they may be located in your body. The result of this procedure is a well-defined, sculpted, and contoured body.


You should never be shy of meeting with plastic consultants for your proposed plastic surgery and cosmetic procedure and here’s why:

  • Confidence: Not every patient that works into a cosmetic surgery office is confident in the procedure and with the surgeon. Meeting a surgery consultant can help to dissuade any apprehension you might be harboring about the surgery and designated surgeon.
  • Knowledge: Knowledge is indeed power and by meeting with a surgery consultant, you will be educated on the procedure and by doing so, your confidence level also rises.
  • Choice: You get to choose the surgeon that will handle your cosmetic surgery procedure during your consultation meeting. 
  • Timeline: Knowing the timeline for the whole procedure is important as it helps you to plan and prepare yourself beforehand by making all the necessary arrangements for post-surgical care. 
  • Results: A cosmetic surgery consultant will also give you an idea of the expected outcome from the procedure. It is good to have an idea of what to expect from the surgical procedure rather than being disappointed with results afterwards.

FAQ’s About Cosmetic Surgery Consultant

What is Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is the term used to describe a number of cosmetic procedures and reconstructive surgery aimed at enhancing an individual’s appearance. It could involve surgical procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, and facelift performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

What is the most common cosmetic surgery?

The most common cosmetic surgery today is breast augmentation surgery.

What is typically involved in liposuction surgery?

Liposuction cosmetic surgery typically involves the removal of fat deposits from various parts of the body including the buttocks, lower back, back of arms, calves, thighs, chin, and abdominal area while abdominoplasty becomes necessary for the removal of excess skin in order to tighten the muscles in the abdominal region.

How much fat can be removed from liposuction surgery?

Safety comes first during liposuction surgery and the safe volume of fat deposit that can be removed is anywhere from 6 to 8 Ib.

Which cosmetic procedure gives the most bang for the buck?

It’s a matter of opinion, but apart from breast augmentation surgery, BBL is one other cosmetic procedure that can give the most bang for the buck.

Professional Cosmetic Surgery Consultation at Premiere Surgical Arts

Whenever you have the need for advanced plastic surgery solutions, our top cosmetic surgeons will provide thorough professional surgery consulting before we book patients for surgery. 


In our plastic surgery practice safety is our watchword and all our surgery procedures are tailored to meet the expectations of all our patients with very minimal or zero post-surgical complications. 

No matter what your cosmetic surgical procedure may be, you can be sure that you’ll be prepared mentally, psychologically and physically by our surgeons before surgery. To get started, book a consultation meeting with us today.

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