Taking Care of Your Wound After a Belly Fat Removal Surgery

Belly fat removal surgery is a procedure for enhancing the appearance of stretched-out, flabby belly muscles as well as skin. It is also referred to as tummy tuck and can be a mild or comprehensive surgical procedure. It is not the same procedure with liposuction but can be combined with it in order to achieve your desired result.

How It Is Performed

Belly fat removal surgery is usually carried out in a hospital’s operating room with the aid of a general anesthesia. The anesthesia will help in keeping you asleep. So that you don’t feel any pain when the surgery is going on. Typically, the whole surgery lasts about 3 to 6 hours and you may need to stay in the hospital for about three days after the procedure.

An incision will be created in your abdomen so that the treatment area will be opened up. The fatty tissue as well as loose skin will be eliminated so that your abdomen will be flatter and firmer. If the procedure is extended, excess fat and skin skin from sides of your abdomen will be removed while its muscles will be tightened.

The incision will be closed with stitches while drains will be used to get rid of the fluid. If your belly fat removal surgery is not a complicated one, an endoscope may be used which requires tiny cuts. The endoscope will be linked to a video monitor so that the surgeon will be able to observe the treatment area.

Why The Procedure Is Performed

In most cases, belly fat removal surgery is a cosmetic procedure which may not have any health reason. It is very helpful for flattening your abdomen and tightening your scratched skin especially after the comprehensive weight loss or gain. In addition, it can be helpful in relieving skin rashes that come up under your skin’s large flaps.

Furthermore, belly fat removal surgery can be used for boosting your muscle tone, especially after pregnancy. It is a major surgical procedure and you need to know the benefits as well as risks before going for it. However, it cannot be used to replace a weight loss program.


Some risks are related to anesthesia and they include breathing problems, reaction to drugs, blood clots, bleeding, among others. You may also be exposed to some risks that are associated with the surgery such as excessive scarring, poor healing, nerve damage, loss of skin, just to mention a few.

Before The Procedure

It is very essential to let your doctor know if you are taking some drugs, herbs or food supplements before the surgery, either prescribed of over the counter. In addition, you may be advised to stay away from some drugs like body thinners such as ibuprofen, aspirin, warfarin and so on. If you are a smoker, you may need to stop because smoking can slow down your healing.

After the Procedure

Typically, you may feel some discomfort and pain for some days after the procedure. Some pain relievers will be prescribed for you by your surgeon which will go a long way in helping to manage the discomfort. You may consider bending your legs as well as hips when resting during the recovery period so that pressure on your abdomen will be reduced.

Caring For Your Surgical Wound

After your surgery, it is very important for you to take proper care of your wound so that your recovery will be seamless. It is possible that your wound will be sutured after the procedure and you need to know how to take care of it properly.

What to Expect at Home

If your wound is not sutured, you need to give it a proper home care. Because it may take time for it to heal up. The healing process will start from the bottom up to the top. A dressing will go a long way in helping the absorption of drainage and preventing the closing of the skin before the wound beneath fills in.

Proper Handwashing

Washing your hand properly before changing your dressing is essential. And you can make use of an alcohol-based cleanser. If you are wearing any jewelery, you should take it off. And wet your hands beneath warm running water.

The washing should be carried out with a good soap. And you should let it last for about 30 seconds. Also, the nails should not be forgotten. And rinsing should be properly carried out before drying the hands with a clean towel.

Removing the Old Dressing

The frequency at which to change your wound dressing will be discussed with you by your doctor. In order to prepare properly for a dressing change, your hands should be adequately cleaned. All your supplies must be ready including a clean working surface.

You should unbind the tape carefully from your skin with the aid of a clean medical glove, the old dressing should be grabbed and taken off. In a situation whereby the dressing clings to the wound. You should let it and try to take it off again, except that you are asked to take it off dry. The old dressing should be put in a plastic bag. Which should be set aside immediately. Thereafter, you should clean your hands after you have taken off the old dressing.

Caring for the Wound

A soft cloth or gauze pad can be used for cleaning the skin close to the wound. The cloth or gauze can be soaked in soapy water or saline solution. Which should be used to gently wipe the skin close to the wound.

Putting on the New Dressing

The new dressing should be placed on the wound in accordance with the instructions of your health provider. Your hands will be properly cleaned after the placement.

When to Call the Doctor

You should get in touch with your doctor if the wound site is experiencing bleeding, swelling, pain and redness. If your temperature is excessively going up or the wound is deeper or larger, it is advisable to see your doctor.

Final Word

Taking proper care of your wound after a belly fat removal surgery is very vital if you want to have a successful procedure. You should follow all the necessary instructions given to you by your doctor.