Taking Care of Your Skin After Cosmetic Surgery – Skin Care Surgeon Houston

When you decide to go for a cosmetic surgery, you are taking a meaningful step towards boosting your appearance. If you really want to recover fast and get the result, you should take good care of your skin after days and weeks that follow your surgery. The skin care instructions to use at home that will be given to you is greatly dependent on the cosmetic procedure you go for. It is very important for you to speak with your skin care surgeon Houston before going for any cosmetic procedure.

Types of Cosmetic Procedures

There are different types of cosmetic procedures and they are grouped in accordance to how they prevail on your skin. There are mild procedures, like microdermabrasion, and surgical procedures, like  eye lifts. You should be able to get back to your usual skin care practice more quickly if you are made to go through mild or noninvasive procedures than surgical procedures carried out by a proficient skin care surgeon Houston.

Popular cosmetic procedures that leave your skin intact include microdermabrasion, mild chemical peels, nonablative laser resurfacing, dermal fillers and so on. On the hand, some procedures are invasive and will give you broken skin or open wounds. They include ablative laser resurfacing, advanced chemical peels, surgical procedures through a skin care surgeon Houston like facelifts, rhinoplasty, eyelifts and so on.

Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: Four Cardinal Skin Care Rules

 After your cosmetic surgery by a skin care surgeon Houston, these four skin care tips will help you to heal faster and get back to normal activities.

Baby your skin

If you want to get your result optimized, you should ensure that you heal without any discoloration. As a result of this, if your skin happens to be red, your should take care of it properly after your surgery so that pigmentation will be prevented. You can use gentle, hypoallergenic products such as fragrance-free moisturizer and non-soap cleansers.

Be extra vigilant about sun protection

For some days after your cosmetic surgery by a skin care surgeon Houston, it is advisable for you to stay away from direct rays from the sun. You can get  a sunscreen that has the capability of blocking alpha as well as beta rays from the sun. You can go for SPF 30 or 40 and anything beyond that  can be dangerous because of the possibility of blocking pores.

Let your wounds heal

You should not be tempted to peeling your scabs and skin to speed up the healing process. This can lead to infections and scarring which are capable of jeopardizing your result.

Get Properly Hydrated

No matter the type of procedure to go for, invasive or noninvasive, it is very essential for you to take enough water everyday. You should endeavor to take at least 6 glasses of water daily so that your skin will be rejuvenated after the surgery. Intake of enough water will also help in flushing out toxins that have taken over your system.

Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: After Microdermabrasion and Other Resurfacing Treatments

Minimally invasive as well as less costly cosmetic procedures, like microdermabrasion are becoming more popular. They give you the opportunity to take advantage of the procedures without taking weeks off work or spending so much on a single procedure. In fact, microdermabrasion has no downtime. You cam get back to normal skin care after 48 hours.

Not minding the fact that the process is a mild one. You should not expose your skin to the sunlight after your microdermabrasion. If you get exposed to too much sunlight rays after the procedure. It can bring about hyperpigmentation.

The way you take care of your skin after a mild chemical peel is similar to that of microdermabrasion. You should not resume your normal skin care until after 48 hours or one week.

Moisturizing and gentle cleansing are very important after skin resurfacing procedures like  ablative laser and microdermabrasion procedures. If your skin is peeling, you can apply a moisturizer on a warm, damp cloth. And use it to massage your skin gently. You should avoid scrubbing. So that you will not take off additional skin layers which can lead to damage.

Since resurfacing procedures have the capability of resulting in too much pigmentation. You should confirm from your dermatologist before using bleaching cream containing hydroquinone. So that the possibility of pigmentation will be reduced.

After Cosmetic Surgery: Facelifts, Eyelifts and Rhinoplasty

 They way you take care of your skin after a cosmetic surgical procedure can be more complex in contrast to a noninvasive procedure. You will have to manage swelling, treat wounds and embark on daily skin care. So that you will be able to get the result.

In order to reduce swelling, you can use cold or ice compresses, particularly during the first three days. You can also try to sleep with your head elevated in order to reduce swelling that may occur overnight. Your doctor will prescribe medications that will assist in minimizing bruising and discoloration.

Your face may be sore but you need to cleanse your skin at regular intervals. So that healing will be enhanced and pores buildup which can cause breakouts are avoided. You can wash the sore areas with gentle astringent pads without the application of too much pressure.

Make-up After Cosmetic Surgery

If there is no open wound on your skin, you can resume the use of your usual makeup some days after the cosmetic process. If you go for ablative laser or deep chemical peels procedure. You should wait till the time that your skin’s top layer has healed up. Your doctor will give you additional instructions on use of makeup after the procedure.


Taking good care of your skin after your cosmetic surgery handled by a competent skin care surgeon Houston will help the healing process. You should not hesitate to take the right steps that will go a long way in assisting you to get the most favorable outcome from the procedure. You should book an appointment with a dermatologist. So that you will be able to get more information.