Should You See a Cosmetic Surgeon Houston TX?

A dermatologist Houston TX is a doctor specializing in the well-being of your skin, nails and hair. You may need to see a dermatologist for so many reasons but you should have realistic expectations. This is because every skin problem may not be solved but can be made slightly better. For example, feasible treatments for skin conditions such as cellulite, large pores and stretch marks can only improve the conditions but not eradicate them completely. Here are six reasons for you to consider booking an appointment with a dermatologist.

#1. Acne

If you have been using an over-the-counter (OTC) treatment to treat acne and it is not responding, you may need to see a board certified dermatologist Houston TX. A skin care specialist will determine the treatment options for your acne and advise you on the perfect lifestyle that will help in improving your condition.

#2. Skin Cancer

A dermatologist Houston TX can get you screened for skin cancer. If you discover any change in your skin, you should not waste time in seeing your skin doctor. You should go for body checkups at least once a year, especially if you fall into the high-risk group. According to the National Institute of Health, you may fall into the high-risk group if you are light-eyed, fair-haired or possess a history of severe sunburns.

A dermatologist Houston TX understands that detecting cancer ahead of time through routine skin diagnosis is very essential for favorable treatment. Apart from regular skin screenings, you should not hesitate to see your skin specialist if you discover that there are changes in the color, size or shape of your moles. Suspicious tissues will be eliminated and examined with the aid of a microscope to scrutinize for cancerous cells. Other cancer patients experiencing skin problems due to side effects of their drugs are also treated by dermatologists

#3. Eczema

Eczema is an incessant skin condition that is typified by itchiness, irritation as well as flaky patches of your skin. A dermatologist Houston TX will help you to manage your eczema and work out the treatment plans for you.

#4. Skin Damage

In order to reduce skin damage and care for your aging skin, you need to see your skin specialist. Your skin doctor will recommend products that will ensure that your condition is properly managed. You will also be advised on lifestyle changes that will limit your exposure to elements that can damage your skin.

#5. Specialized Care of Skin, Hair and Nails

Any problem that has to do with your appearance can be handled by a skin specialist. Skin conditions such as warts, discolorations, psoriasis, stretch marks and so on can be fixed by a dermatologist. He/she can also treat all issues concerning your skin, hair loss and nails.

#6. Scar Treatment

A skin doctor can enhance the appearance of any scar such as keloid and acne scars. If the scar is a serious one, you may be referred to a plastic surgeon so that you will be able to get an enhanced treatment, especially scars caused by burns.

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Surgeon Visit

Before you see your skin care specialist, you should be adequately prepared so that you will be able to get the treatment. You should check your insurance plan so that you will be able to know the coverage you have and if you will need to be referred by a primary health care provider before going for an appointment.

You should get ready your medical and identification cards and a list of drugs as well as supplements that you are currently using. It is very important for you to avoid heavy make-up so that your face and skin will be properly examined. It is very essential for you to note that some procedures, like full-body skin analysis, may be carried out at your first appointment while others may necessitate a follow-up session.

5 Things You Need to Know About Bum Acne

Bum acne may not be conspicuous but can make you feel uncomfortable. Keeping your backside pimple-free is very vital to your well-being especially during summer. Here are five things you should know about how to deal with pimples on your butt.

#1. Bum Acne Isn’t Actually Acne

Spots on your butt are not acne because an acne occurs when your pore becomes blocked with oil, bacteria or skin cells that are dead. The bumps on your butt are infected or inflamed hair follicle and the condition is known as folliculitis. Folliculitis is usually caused by fungus or bacteria that infect the hair follicle. It looks like small hollow bumps that can cause itching and irritation.

#2. You Shouldn’t Try To Pop Them

You may be tempted to pop them but you should not go to that extent. Popping the bumps can make them spread which can lead to the disfiguring of your buttocks.

#3. Sweaty Gym Clothes Are Actually The Worst

Sweaty clothes breed bacteria and fungi. As a result of this, you should quickly remove your clothes after workout, take a bath and put on dry clothes. You should also avoid tight clothing because they can trap bodily fluids as well as sweat against your skin. This can lead to protracted breakouts on your bumps which can be very discomforting.

#4. Wear Comfy Clothes When You Can

Tight clothes as well as underwears can rub across your skin for the whole day and irritate your follicles, especially after shaving or waxing. This can lead to folliculitis, hence, you should try to wear comfortable clothes as much as possible.

#5. Acne Products Can Help

Even though your bum acne is not real, you can use acne products to salvage the condition. You can use a cleanser that comprises benzoyl peroxide which has the capability of destroying bacteria that can cause the breakout.


It is very important for you to see a dermatologist Houston TX so that you will be able to get the skin treatment. The healthy status of your skin will translate to your overall well-being.