Sagging, wrinkled skin around the neck and jowls is a frequent aesthetic problem for the aging face. Facial sagging may be caused by age, sun damage, or even a significant weight loss, especially in the area around the jaw and chin. The lines that form between the nose and the corner of the mouth may also become more pronounced.
Eventually, less invasive procedures like injectable fillers and surface lasers won’t be able to mask the visible effects of skin laxity and surgical procedures, such as; a facelift and neck lift may be the best options in such circumstances.
If cosmetic surgery is advised at this point, it would be wise to seek the best cosmetic surgeon near me to avoid any complications during and after the recommended surgical procedure.
What You Should Know About Facelift and Necklift by the Best Facelift Surgeon In Houston
A facelift or necklift are surgical procedures performed by a cosmetic surgeon that “lifts” the skin and underlying tissue layers upward, removing and tightening loose, wrinkled skin to restore a more youthful look. It is routine for a facelift to be done when the patient is unconscious, usually using intravenous sedation.
Under anesthesia, incisions are made inconspicuously around the ear, and the subcutaneous tissue is “lifted up” using concealed sutures and secured higher in the front and back. The incision around the ear is mirrored by the removal of a substantial quantity of superfluous skin.
Patients who have developed jowls (excess skin below the jawline) or sagging skin around the neck and chin are good candidates for a facelift/neck lift. Instead of waiting until the skin is sagging, it’s frequently best to treat the issue as soon as it’s observed. Facelifts are often performed on people in their 40s and 50s, although those in excellent health may have them done as late as their 80s.
The Difference Between Facelift And Necklift Cosmetic Surgery Houston
A neck lift specifically targets the skin of the neck below the jawline, whereas a facelift focuses on the skin of the face above the jawline.
A facelift and neck lift are often considered together because of how closely the face and neck are linked.
And while a facelift can be done independent of a neck lift and vice-versa, both the face and the neck might still be part of the cosmetic surgery depending on the extent of work required.
The Process Of Recuperation Following A Facelift Or Necklift
A facelift is a major operation that requires rest and recuperation afterward. Getting back into your regular routine after a facelift might take a few weeks of rest and relaxation. The initial two to three weeks are the most critical, but the whole nine to twelve months of facial rejuvenation and healing are often not apparent to the naked eye.
You should avoid strenuous exercise for the first week after surgery and instead focus on resting and recovering from your operation.
Facial swelling and bruising are commonplace following a surgery and any pain and discomfort can easily be taken care of by medication.
You will return to the surgeon the following day (after a cosmetic surgery) for a dressing change and postoperative examination.
One week after surgery, patients are expected to return for a follow-up appointment to have their sutures removed while the surgeon will entertain any pressing questions on the results and recovery amongst other questions.
FAQs About Best Facelift Surgeon In Houston
Can you do a neck lift without a facelift?
Yes. Your surgeon can perform a neck lift independent of a facelift, if the latter is not required.
How long does tightness last after neck lift?
The tightness following a neck lift procedure can last up to 60 days or 2 months. But it all depends on the patient and the length of tightness should be judged on an individual to individual basis.
What is the best age to have a facelift?
Facelift is best suited for person’s aged 40 to 60+ years. This is when the effects of aging become more pronounced and only cosmetic surgery by way of facelift and necklift can help remedy the situation.
How many years does a neck lift last?
A neck lift cosmetic procedure successfully executed can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years.
Visit Premiere Surgical Arts for the Best Cosmetic Surgeon Near Me
It’s no secret that surgeons in Houston are some of the best in the U.S and indeed the world. So a cosmetic surgery Houston almost guarantees zero complications and excellent results. This is what we promise you at Premiere Surgical Arts.
Our surgeons are highly qualified to handle most facelift and necklift cases. We start off by scheduling you for a consultation and examination where we discuss your case in the most honest and patient-centered way possible.
We will listen carefully to your cosmetic needs and proffer surgical recommendations based on our assessment of peculiar case. Your overall health is a priority to us, so every decision made is done with your safety placed above everything else.
You can start your journey to restoring your facial beauty today by requesting an appointment with us today.