Vaser liposuction remains an ideal procedure for transforming your body contours through the elimination of unwanted fat deposits. It makes use of specially designed ultrasound technology to destroy fat cells that do not bulge to diet and exercise. When the fat cells are broken down, excess fat will then be removed with the aid of suction. Vaser
liposuction procedure is strictly a cosmetic process and cannot be used to get rid of innate fat around the organs of your body (vaser liposuction before and after).
Vaser Liposuction Procedure
Before your vaser lipo procedure begins, a certain saline as well as local anesthetic will be administered on the area to be treated. This will go a long way in numbing the area and shrinking the blood vessels so that bruising as well as blood loss will be reduced. This solution will also help in making the treated area to be wet so that it will be easier to disintegrate the fatty tissue (vaser liposuction before and after).
The ultrasound from the vaser system sends sound energy which will break down the fatty tissue without having any adverse effect on vital surrounding tissues. That is why it is an ideal procedure for fixing deep and depthless fat deposits so that a smooth outcome will be achieved. The liquefied fat will then be eliminated with the aid of an aspiration process which will ensure that damage to neighbouring tissues is minimized. The treated area will then be sculpted with the aid of specially designed suction cannulas (vaser liposuction before and after).
Is Vaser Lipo Right For You?
Vaser liposuction cannot be used as a substitute for exercise and diet but for helping to cut down excess fat in certain parts of the body. The amount of fat that can be removed through this procedure is limited but you can speak with your doctor so that your suitability for the treatment can be established. The procedure, anticipated results as well as recovery process will be discussed with you (vaser liposuction before and after).
What Body Areas Can Be Treated With Vaser Lipo?
Some of the body areas with high success rate for the procedure include knees, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, arms, hips, chin, back arm, just to mention a few. You can discuss your expectations with your doctor as any part of your body can be treated (vaser liposuction before and after).
Are There Any Side Effects With Vaser Lipo?
There are reported cases of soreness witnessed around the treated area. Which can last for about four days. This can fixed be with painkillers. And it is advisable for you to take some days off work after your treatment. Thereafter, a dull background pain may be experienced for about three weeks. While bruising is also a possibility. In addition, swelling will be experienced. And it may take some time before abating. However, swelling can be helped if you follow your aftercare instructions accordingly. All possible side effects will be discussed with you during your consultation before treatment. In some cases, you may need to go for further treatments. So that skin tightening and smoothening can be carried out after your vaser lipo.
How Much Fat Can Be Taken With Vaser Lipo?
Vaser lipo has limitations in regard to the amount of fat that can be safely eliminated from your body in one session. This is largely dependent on the status of your health, body weight, and percentage of fat in your body. The use of local anesthetic per session is also limited. So that a safe procedure will be guaranteed. Usually, it is advisable to get rid of about 5% of your body weight in one session. You may need to go for another treatment after about five weeks if there is a need for you to remove more fat.
It is important for you to note that too much removal of fat has the capability of causing serious health issues. And can cause contour irregularities which may be difficult to correct. Instead of excessive fat removal, post-treatment touch-ups can help in optimizing results. Furthermore, you should take note that the procedure is not to replace your weight loss program. It is intended to give you a slimmer shape. And not really a significant loss of weight. In most cases, patients are usually satisfied with the results.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Vaser lipo is usually carried out in one session. But can be augmented with touch-ups. The touch up treatments may begin after about six months, if necessary. So that the results can be maximized. Touch-ups don’t usually take much time. Because the procedures are not complex. However, if your treatment requires multiple areas. You may be asked to go for two sessions with an interval of about four months between each session.
What About Future Weight Gain?
It is very important for you to maintain your result after the procedure. Additional weight gain will be evenly distributed in your body after the procedure. Except if the weight gain is too much. There is also the possibility of experiencing excessive weight gain in areas that have not been treated. As a result of this, it is very important for you to maintain your result. So that you will be able to have a lasting result.
What About Droopy or Loose Skin After Vaser Liposuction?
If you are having too much overhang, stretch marks or
skin laxity. The procedure may not be ideal for you. You may be asked to go for other procedures like tummy tuck in order to fix the problem. However, vaser lipo can result in little skin retraction as well as tightening.
Final Word
Vaser liposuction procedure will ensure that your body contour is well defined. So that your look will be enhanced. In order to get the possible result, you need to make sure that a competent cosmetic surgeon handles your treatment. Especially a board-certified one. This will give you the opportunity to go through a safe procedure and achieve the result (vaser liposuction before and after).